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Patrick Chege Orphanage
1775 York Avenue Suite 14B New York, NY 10128 tel: 917 698 3120 Donations can be made by credit card by clicking the donate link or by sending a check, payable to The Patrick Chege Memorial Orphanage, to the above address. The Chege Orphanage is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your support empowers our children to change their lives, and creates hope for a positive future. Your donation will help to purchase the things most important to a growing child: food, clothing, medical care, education fees and textbooks, sheets and blankets, and heat and hot water for the home. A gift does not need to be large to be significant: $25 buys a child's backpack and school supplies $50 feeds a child for a month $300 pays a child's tuition for one year $1,500 fully sponsors one child for a year |