Chege Village is dedicated to the family ideal. In contrast to the dormitory-style orphanages that are prevalent in the area, our group homes will be designed to feel more like a family home. The children will spend most of the year at school but we will provide small apartments type setting with siblings and caregivers. The children will always have a place to call home.
We will be a self sustaining homestead. The food will come from our own vegetable garden. The homestead will include a small farming area and other sundries will come from local markets to always give back and support the surrounding community.
Our goals also include an internship opportunity for students who wish to learn abroad and have humanitarian, education, and green living aspirations.
Our caregivers come from the Nakuru community; they are carefully selected and trained to provide the children with the nurturance and guidance they need to develop into self-confident young adults. Our children will also have mental health experts to help them develop coping skills and healing for the traumas they have endured before reaching our village.
Eventually Chege Village will build a school which will meet the educational standards of North American schools. In addition, we will also build a health care facility that will provide the much needed healthcare for women and children.
We will be a self sustaining homestead. The food will come from our own vegetable garden. The homestead will include a small farming area and other sundries will come from local markets to always give back and support the surrounding community.
Our goals also include an internship opportunity for students who wish to learn abroad and have humanitarian, education, and green living aspirations.
Our caregivers come from the Nakuru community; they are carefully selected and trained to provide the children with the nurturance and guidance they need to develop into self-confident young adults. Our children will also have mental health experts to help them develop coping skills and healing for the traumas they have endured before reaching our village.
Eventually Chege Village will build a school which will meet the educational standards of North American schools. In addition, we will also build a health care facility that will provide the much needed healthcare for women and children.